Recently in education Category
我把Emily's World: Tagging Bookmarks with for Educators一文中與教育相關的標籤清單作了以下整理:
# 一般: education(ed, edu), teaching (teach, teacher, teachers) and learning (learn); classroom, campus; general education, specialized education(specialed, special+education)
# 數位學習(e-Learning): elearning(technologyintegration, onlinelearning)
# 學級(grade level): k12, elementary, higher education(highered)
# 學門(domain): social studies(social+studies, socialstudies), technology education(technology+education), science
# 學科(subject): English as a foreign language(efl), English as a Second Language(esl), history education(education+history), mathematics(math), algebra, geometry, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, art education(art+education), music education(music+education)
# 教材(instructional material): lesson plans(lesson+plans, lessonplans)
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