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WIND is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You? -- Updated (7/21/03)
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You are Jean Grey!
Beautiful and smart, you are still just beginning
to fulfill your potential. You have a strong
sense of right and wrong, but are open to
discussion and changes of opinion.
Unfortunately, when it comes to love you are
often torn between two options, and can never
seem to make up your mind.
Which X-Men character are you most like?
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玩法:首先需要將航空母艦(Aircraftcarrier)、戰艦(Battleship)、驅逐艦(Frigate)、潛水艇(Submarine)、掃雷艦(Minesweeper)等五艘船安排放在格子上的位置,然後按鍵盤上的左、右方向鍵,可以決定直向或橫向,建議不要集中在一起,然後開始與對方艦隊進行摸黑的互相砲擊,在猜測對方位置時,同時要把船艦所佔的格子數考慮進去,我的分數是4430喔 :)
文章取材自巴哈姆特BBS站 看板《小品遊戲討論區》
:: how jedi are you? ::
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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