Recently in science Category
I met a book, "The meaning of it all thoughts of a
Citizen-Scientist." (ISBN: 0-201-36080-2) It was written by a famous
scientist, Richard P. Feyman. He discussed from the basic issue. The
feature of science is suspicious and uncertainness. After the skipped
reading of Karl Popper's idea, I thought Feyman's lecture will be more
easier to understand. Scientific philosophy does a long journey to
explore. Sometimes I doubt any usefulness of philosophy exists, but I
found it'll be helpful to ask a question. :)
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aroundyou on 事件模擬 - 關於恐懼: 你引的那段話好像是我
planetoid on Google Docs算不算是共筆(Wiki)?: KJ: 我回頭查了一
planetoid on Firefox 與 個人知識管理: 謝謝 :) 如果有任
jk on Firefox 與 個人知識管理: 感謝您今天的分享,讓
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